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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Becker


Tel.: +49 541 969-7690

Raum: 75/243
Institut für Psychologie
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück


Wintersemester 2024/25
Forschungskolloquium - Methodenlehre, Sozial- und A+O Psychologie Promotionskolloquium


Since 2013: Professor of Social Psychology, University of Osnabrueck
2011/2012: Visiting scholar at the University of St Andrews (Scotland)
2011: Visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University (Canada)
2008: Visiting scholar at PennState University (USA)
2008 - 2013: Lecturer (Social Psychology Philipps-University Marburg)
2008:  Dr. rer. nat. Philipps-University Marburg, Dissertation: "Women's Internalization of Sexism: Predictors and Antidotes"
2005-2008: PhD scholarship in DFG graduate school "group-focused enmity"
2005: Diploma in Psychology in March 2005 at the Philipps-University Marburg




in press/2024

Kahalon, R., Ullrich, J., & Becker, J. C. (2024). How to Respond to Inappropriate Questions in Job Interviews: Personal and Social Consequences of Truth-Telling, Deflection and Confrontation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 1–13.

Estevan-Reina, L; de Lemus, S., Megías, J.L., Radke, H.L.M., Becker, J.C. & McGarty, C. (in press). How do disadvantaged groups perceive allies? Women’s perceptions of men who confront sexism in an egalitarian or paternalistic way. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Liekefett, L., Sebben, S., & Becker, J.C. (in press). The Effect of Brooding about Societal Problems on Conspiracy Beliefs: A Registered Report. Collabra Psychology

Munder, A.K., Becker, J.C., Salvatierra Ruiz, & Christ, O. (2024). At least she is doing something? Women do not prefer a woman who confronts gender-based discrimination with a distance motive over a non-confronter. Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Gartner, K., Mösko, M., Becker, J.C., & Hanft-Robert, S. (2024). Barriers to use interpreters in outpatient mental health care: Exploring the attitudes of psychotherapists. Transcultural Psychiatry.


Bierle, I., Becker, J.C., Nakao, G., & Heine, S. J. (2023). Shame and anger differentially predict disidentification between collectivistic and individualistic societies. PLoS ONE, 18, e0289918.

Hartwich, L., Kutlaca, M., Ksenofontov, I., Jetten, J., & Becker, J. C. (2023). (Not so) powerful allies? Decision makers’ reactions to advantaged group allies in collective action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 1576–1592.

Hartwich, L., Radke, H. R. M., Kutlaca, M., & Becker, J. C. (2023). The Injustice–Efficacy Tradeoff: Counteracting Indirect Effects of Goal Proximity on Collective Action. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(2), 173–184. 

Hartwich, L. & Becker, J.C. (2023). Explaining opposition to redistribution vs. interpersonal discrimination against the lower class: the roles of economic ideology and value conflict. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11, 167-181.

Liekefett, L., & Becker, J.C. (2023). Hippies Next to Right-Wing Extremists? Identifying Subgroups of Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Germany Using Latent Profile Analysis. Social Psychology, 54, 123-135

Liekefett, L., Christ, O., & Becker, J.C. (2023). Can Conspiracy Beliefs Be Beneficial? Longitudinal Linkages Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Anxiety, Uncertainty Aversion, and Existential Threat. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49 (2), 167–179.


Becker, J. C., & Wright, S. C. (2022). Can cross-group contact turn advantaged group members into allies? The role of inequality-delegitimizing contact and interpersonal connection. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(6), 1496–1515.

Becker, J.C., Wright, S.C., & Siem, B. (2022). Can cross-group contact predict advantaged group member’s willingness to engage in costly solidarity-based action? Yes, if the contact is politicized. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 29, 123-139.

Echterhoff, G., Becker, J. C., Knausenberger, J., & Hellmann, J. H. (2022). Helping in the context of refugee immigration. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 106-111.

Kahalon, R., Becker, J.C., & Shnabel, N. (2022). Appearance Comments Presented as Compliments at Work: How are They Perceived by Targets and Observers in and Outside of Workplace Settings. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52, 751-762. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12732

Kutlaca, M., Radke, H.R.M. & Becker, J.C. (2022). The Impact of Including Advantaged Groups in Collective Action Against Social Inequality on Politicized Identification of Observers From Disadvantaged and Advantaged Groups. Political Psychology, 43, 297-315.

Liekefett, L. & Becker, J.C. (2022). Low system justification is associated with support for both progressive and reactionary social change. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 1015– 1030.

Mikołajczak, G., & Becker, J.C. (2022). Supporting men or male privilege? Women’s progressive and reactionary collective action for men. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 1064– 1081.

Mikołajczak, G., Becker, J.C., & Iyer, A. (2022). Women who challenge or defend the status quo: Ingroup identities as predictors of progressive and reactionary collective action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 626– 641.

Radke, H.R.M., Kutlaca, M., & Becker, J.C. (2022). Applying the Dynamic Dual Pathway Model of Approach Coping to Collective Action among Advantaged Group Allies and Disadvantaged Group Members. Frontiers.13:875848. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.875848

Radke, H. R. M., Kutlaca, M., & Becker, J. C. (2022). Disadvantaged group members’ evaluations and support for allies: Investigating the role of communication style and group membership. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(6), 1437–1456.


Becker, J.C., Hartwich, L., & Haslam, S.A. (2021). Neoliberalism can reduce well-being by promoting a sense of social disconnection, competition and loneliness. British Journal of Social Psychology, 30, 947-965.

Estevan-Reina, L., de Lemus, S., Megias, J.L., Kutlaca, M., Belmonte-Garcia, M., & Becker, J.C. (2021). Allies against sexism. The impact of men’s egalitarian versus paternalistic confrontation on women’s empowerment and well-being. Sex Roles, 84, 536-553.

Liekefett, L., & Becker, J.C. (2021). Compliance with Governmental Restrictions during the Coronavirus Pandemic – A Matter of Self-Protection or Solidarity with People in Risk Groups? British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 924-946. DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12439

Van Bezouw, M., van der Toorn, J., & Becker, J.C. (2021). Social Creativity: Reviving a Social Identity Approach to Social Stability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(2), 409-422.


Becker, J.C. (2020). Ideology and the promotion of social change. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 6-11.

Brandt, M.J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., […], Becker, J. C., […], & Zimmermann, J.L. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 921-942.

Kahalon, R., Shnabel, N., & Becker, J.C. (2020). The Effects of Exposure to Positive Gender Stereotypes on Women’s and Men’s Performance in Counter-stereotypical Tasks and Pursuit of Agentic and Communal Goals. Social Psychology, 51, 50-62.

Ksenofontov, I., & Becker, J.C. (2020). The Harmful Side of Thanks: Thankful Responses to High Power Group Help Undermine Low Power Groups’ Protest. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 794-807.

Kutlaca, M., Radke, H.R.M., Iyer, A., & Becker, J.C. (2020). Understanding allies’ participation in social change: A multiple perspectives approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1248-1258. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2720

Kutlaca, M., Becker, J., & Radke, H (2020). A hero for the outgroup, a black sheep for the ingroup: Societal perceptions of those who confront discrimination. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, .

Lantos, N. A., Kende, A., Becker, J.C., & McGarty, C. (2020). Pity for economically disadvantaged groups motivates donation and ally collective action intentions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1478-1499.

Mikołajczak, G., & Becker, J. C. (2019). What Is (Un)fair? Political Ideology and Collective Action. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(2), 810-829.

Munder, A., Becker, J.C., & Christ, O. (2020). Standing up for Whom? Targets’ Different Goals in the Confrontation of Discrimination. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1443-1462. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2698

Radke, H. R. M., Kutlaca, M., Siem, B., Wright, S. C., & Becker, J. C. (2020). Beyond Allyship: Motivations for Advantaged Group Members to Engage in Action for Disadvantaged Groups. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 24(4), 291–315.

Wilhelm, L., Hartmann, A. S., Becker, J. C., Waldorf, M. & Vocks, S. (2020). Are there associations between religious affiliation and drive for muscularity? A cross-sectional survey of young Muslim women, Christian women and atheist women from Germany. BMC Women's Health, 20, 271.


Becker, J.C., Ksenofontov, I., Siem, B., & Love, A. (2019). Antecedents and Consequences of Autonomy- and Dependency-Oriented Help Toward Refugees. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 831-838.

Becker, J.C., Radke, H.R.M., & Kutlaca, M. (2019). Stopping wolves in the wild and legitimizing meat consumption: effects of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance on animal-related behaviors. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22, 804-817.

Bierle, I., Becker, J.C., & Ikegami, T. (2019). Coping with unpleasant group memberships in Japan and Germany: Cultural differences in disidentification, confrontation and emotion regulation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 953-969.

Hartwich, L. & Becker, J.C. (2019). Exposure to neoliberalism increases resentment of the elite via feelings of anomie and negative psychological reactions. Journal of Social Issues, 75, 113-133.

Kahalon, R., Bareket, O., Vial, A. C., Sassenhagen, N., Becker, J. C., & Shnabel, N. (2019). The Madonna-Whore Dichotomy Is Associated with Patriarchy Endorsement: Evidence From Israel, the United States, and Germany. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 43, 348-367.

Osborne, D., Jost, J.T., Becker, J.C., Badaan, V., & Sibley, C. G. (2019). Protesting to challenge or defend the system? A system justification perspective on collective action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 244-269.

Wilhelm, L., Hartmann, A. S., Becker, J. C., Kisi, M., Waldorf, M. & Vocks, S. (2019). Thin media images decrease women’s body satisfaction: Comparisons between veiled Muslim women, Christian women and atheist women regarding state and trait body image. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1074.


Kahalon, R., Shnabel, N., & Becker, J.C. (2018). Experimental studies on state self-objectification: a review and an integrative process model. Frontiers, 9,

Kahalon, R., Shnabel, N., & Becker, J.B. (2018). Positive Stereotypes, Negative Outcomes: Reminders of the Positive Components of Complementary Gender Stereotypes Impair Performance in Counter-Stereotypical Tasks. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57, 482-502. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12240

Kahalon, R., Shnabel, N., & Becker, J.B. (2018). "Don't Bother Your Pretty Little Head": Appearance Compliments Lead to Improved Mood but Impaired Cognitive Performance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42, 136-150.

Thomson, R., Yuki, M., Talhelm, T., Schug, J. Kito, M., Ayanian, A.H., Becker, J.C…..Visserman, M.L. (2018). Relational mobility predicts social behaviors in 39 countries and is tied to historical farming and threat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 115, 7521-7526.

Wilhelm, L. Hartmann, A.S., Becker, J.C., Kişi, M. Waldorf, M., & Vocks, S. (2018). Body covering and body image: A comparison of veiled and unveiled Muslim women, Christian women, and atheist women regarding body checking, body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms. Journal of Religion and Health, 57, 1808-1828. doi: 10.1007/s10943-018-0585-3.


Becker, J.C., Butz, D.A., Sibley, C.G., Barlow, F.K., Bitacola, L., Christ, O., Khan, S., Leong, C.H., Pehrson, S., Srinivasan, N., Sulz, A., Tausch, N., Urbanska, K., & Wright, S. (2017). What do National Flags Stand For? An Exploration of Associations across 11 Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48, 335-352.

Becker, J.C., Kraus, M., & Rheinschmidt-Same, M. (2017). Cultural Expressions of Social Class and Their Implications for Group-Related beliefs and behaviors. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 158-174.

Fischer, F., Becker, J.C., Kito, M., & Nayır, D. Z. (2017). Collective Action against Sexism in Germany, Turkey, and Japan: The Influence of Self-Construal and Face Concerns. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, 409-423.

Jost, J.T., Becker, J.C., Osborne, D., & Badaan, V. (2017). Missing in (collective) action: ideology, system justification, and the motivational antecedents of protest behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26, 99-108.

Reimer, N. K., Becker, J., Benz, A., Christ, O., Dhont, K., Klocke, U., ... Hewstone, M. (2017). Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 121-136.


Becker, J.C., Barreto, M. Kahn, K.B., & de Oliveira Laux, S.H. (2015). The collective value of ‘me’ (and its limitations): Towards a more nuanced understanding of individual and collective coping with prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 71, 497-516.

Becker, J.C. & Tausch, N. (2015). A dynamic model of engagement in normative and non-normative collective action: Psychological antecedents, consequences and barriers. European Review of Social Psychology, 26, 43-92.

De Oliveira Laux, S.H., Ksenofontov, I. & Becker, J.C. (2015). Explicit but not implicit sexist beliefs predict benevolent and hostile sexist behavior. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 702-715.


Asbrock, F., Lemmer, G., Becker, J.C., Koller, J., & Wagner, U. (2014). “Who are these foreigners anyway?” – The content of the term foreigner and its impact on prejudice. Sage Open, 4(2), 1-8.

Becker, J.C. & Barreto, M. (2014). Ways to Go: Men’s and Women’s Support for Aggressive and Non-aggressive Confrontation of Sexism as a Function of Gender Identification. Journal of Social Issues, 70, 668-686.

Becker, J.C., Zawadzki, M.J, & Shields, S.A. (2014). Confronting and Reducing Sexism: A Call for Research on Intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 70, 603-614.

Becker, J.C. & Tausch, N. (2014). When Group Memberships are Negative: The Concept, Measurement, and Behavioral Implications of Psychological Disidentification. Self and Identity, 13, 294-321.


Tausch, N. & Becker, J.C. (2013). Emotional Reactions to Success and Failure of Collective Action as Predictors of Future Action Intentions: A Longitudinal Investigation in the Context of Student Protests against Tuition Fees in Germany. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 525-542.

Becker, J.C., Wright, S.C., Lubensky, M.E., & Zhou, S. (2013). Friend or Ally: Whether cross-group contact undermines collective action depends what advantaged group members say (or don’t say). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 442-455.


Becker, J.C. (2012). The system stabilizing role of identity management strategies: Social creativity can undermine collective action for social change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 647-662.

Becker, J.C. (2012). Virtual Special Issue on Theory and Research on Collective Action in EJSP. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 19-33.

Becker, J.C., & Asbrock, F. (2012). What triggers helping versus harming of ambivalent groups? Effects of the relative salience of warmth versus competence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 19-27.

Becker, J.C., Enders-Comberg, A., Wagner, U., Christ, O., & Butz, D. A. (2012). Beware of national symbols: How flags can threaten intergroup relations. Social Psychology, 43, 3-6.

Becker, J.C. & Swim, J.K. (2012). Reducing endorsement of benevolent and modern sexist beliefs: Differential effects of addressing harm versus pervasiveness of benevolent sexism. Social Psychology, 43, 127-137.

Sibley, C.G. & Becker, J.C. (2012). A typology of sexists: Profiling ambivalent and univalent sexists in a national probability sample. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 589-601.

Swim, J.K. & Becker, J.C. (2012). Country Contexts and Individuals’ climate Change mitigating behaviors: A comparison of U.S. versus German individuals’ efforts to reduce energy use. Journal of Social Issues, 68, 571-591.

Wagner, U., Becker, J.C., Christ, O., Pettigrew, T.F., & Schmidt, P. (2012). A longitudinal test of the relation between German nationalism, patriotism and outgroup derogation. European Sociological Review, 28, 319-332.


Becker, J.C., Glick, P., Ilic, M., & Bohner, G. (2011). Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t? Social consequences of accepting versus rejecting benevolent sexist offers for the target and perpetrator. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 761-773.

Becker, J.C. & Swim, J.K. (2011). Seeing the unseen: Attention to daily encounters with sexism as a way to reduce sexist beliefs. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 227 - 242.

Becker, J.C., Tausch, N., Spears, R. & Christ, O. (2011). Committed dis(s)idents: Participation in radical collective action fosters disidentification with the broader in-group but enhances political identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1104-1116.

Becker, J.C., Tausch, N., & Wagner, U. (2011). Emotional consequences of collective action participation: Differentiating self-directed from outgroup-directed emotions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1587-1598.

Becker, J.C., Wagner, U., & Christ, O. (2011). Consequences of the 2008-financial crisis for intergroup relations: The role of perceived threat and causal attributions. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 871-885.

Becker, J.C. & Wright, S.C. (2011). Yet another dark side of chivalry: Benevolent sexism undermines and hostile sexism motivates collective action for social change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 62-77.

Tausch, N., Becker, J.C., Spears, R., Christ, O., Saab, R., Singh, & Siddiqui, R.N. (2011). Explaining Radical Group Behaviour: Developing Emotion and Efficacy Routes to Normative and Non-normative Collective Action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 129-148.



Becker, J.C. (2010). Why do women endorse hostile and benevolent sexism? The role of salient female subtypes and personalization of sexist contents. Sex Roles, 62, 453-467.

Becker, J.C., & Wagner, U. (2009). Doing gender differently – The interplay of strength of gender identification and content of gender identity in predicting women’s endorsement of sexism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 487-508.


Other Publications

Nobis, T., Hartmann-Tews, I., Kronbitter, I., Becker, J. (2024). Rassismus im Sport in Deutschland – Was wissen wir (nicht)? Themenheft Rassismus im Sport, Deutsche Sportjugend, 30-35.

Ksenofontov, I. & Becker, J. C. (2021). Wenigstens ein Danke“ – Dankbarkeitserwartungen können Migrant*innen schaden. Online abrufbar unter

Shnabel, N. & Becker, J.C. (2019). Advantaged and disadvantaged group members have similar motivations to those of defenders and attackers, but their psychological charsteristics are fundamentally different. Invited commentary on DeDreu, C.K.W., & Gross,J., Revisiting the form and function of conflict: neurobiological, psychological and cultural mechanisms for attack and defense within and between groups. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42,

Hartwich, L. & Becker, J.C. (2019). Nur ein Kompliment? Warum auch positive Geschlechter-Stereotype sexistisch sein können. In Mind

Becker, J.C. (2014). Subtile Erscheinungsformen von Sexismus [Subtle forms of sexism]. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 8, 29-34.

Becker, J.C. (2013). Kollektives Handeln – Außerparlamentarischer Aktivismus [collective action – extra-parliamentary activism]. In-Mind, 3:

Tausch, N. & Becker, J.C. (2012). Understanding the psychological processes involved in the demobilizing effects of positive cross-group contact. Invited commentary on Dixon, J., Levine, M., Reicher, S. & Durrheim, K., Beyond prejudice: Are negative evaluations the problem? Is getting us to like one another more the solution? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 447-448.


Book Chapters

Osborne, D., Becker, J.C., Bahamondes, J., & García-Sánchez, E. (in press). The Political psychology of inequality: why rising rates of economic inequality affect our health and democracy. In C. G. Sibley & D. Osborne (eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology.

Becker, J.C., & Barreto, M. (2019). Personal, collective, and group-distancing motives underlying confrontation of prejudice. In R. Mallett & M. Montheith (Eds). Confronting prejudice and discrimination (pp.141-158). London: Elsevier.

Becker, J.C., Ksenofontov, I., Benz, A., & Borgert, L. (2018). Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen gegenüber Geflüchteten [Attitudes and Behaviors towards Refugees]. In A. Rohmann & S. Stürmer (Eds.). Die Flüchtlingsdebatte in Deutschland – Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven. Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie (pp. 53-64). Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang.

Rothmund T., Becker J.C., & Jost J.T. (2016) The Psychology of Social Justice in Political Thought and Action. In: C. Sabbagh, & M. Schmitt(eds.) Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research (pp. 275-292). Springer, New York, NY.

Becker , J.C. & Sibley, C.G. (2016). Sexism. In T. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination (pp. 315-336). New York: Psychology Press.

Becker, J.C. (2016). Sexism. In N.A. Naples (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (pp. 1-2). DOI: 10.1002/9781118663219.wbegss023

Becker, J.C. (2014). Sexism. In T. Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (pp. 1727-1731). New York: Springer.

Becker, J.C., Wagner, U. & Christ (2010). Ursachenzuschreibungen in Krisenzeiten: Auswirkungen auf Antisemitismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit [Causal attributions in times of crisis: Implications for Antisemitism and prejudice]. In W. Heitmeyer (Ed.) Deutsche Zustände. Folge 8 [German States. Sequal 8] (pp. 128-143). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Asbrock, F., Lemmer, G., Wagner, U., Becker, J. & Koller, J. (2009). Das Gefühl macht den Unterschied. Emotionen gegenüber „Ausländern“ in Ost- und Westdeutschland [The feeling makes the difference. Emotions towards immigrants in Eastern and Western Germany]. In W. Heitmeyer (Hg.), Deutsche Zustände. Folge 7 [German States. Sequal 7] (pp. 152-167). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Becker, J., Christ, O., Wagner, U., & Schmidt, P. (2009). Deutschland einig Vaterland? Riskante regionale und nationale Identifikationen in Ost- und Westdeutschland [Unified Germany? Risky regional and national identification in Eastern and Western Germany]. In W. Heitmeyer (Hg.), Deutsche Zustände. Folge 7 [German States. Sequal 7] (pp. 113-130). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Swim, J.K., & Becker, J.C. (2009). Modern Sexism. In J. Levine & M. Hogg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup relations (pp. 577-579). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Swim, J. K., Becker, J., Lee, E. & Pruitt, E. R. (2009). Sexism reloaded: Worldwide evidence for its endorsement, expression, and emergence in multiple contexts. In H. Landrine & N. Russo (Eds.). Handbook of diversity in feminist psychology (pp. 137-172). Washington,DC: American Psychological Association.

Becker, J., Wagner, U. & Christ, O. (2007). Nationalismus und Patriotismus als Ursache von Fremdenfeindlichkeit. [Nationalism and Patriotism as cause of prejudice]. In W. Heitmeyer (ed.), Deutsche Zustände. Folge 5 [German States. Sequal 5] (pp. 131-149). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.